Aims and Scope

Innovation in Engineering is an international journal dedicated to publishing the latest research in the field of engineering. The journal serves as a platform for researchers, engineers and designers to share their innovative findings, methodologies and insights into the conceptualisation, development and implementation of various techniques. Overall, Innovations in Engineering plays an important role in disseminating innovative research, fostering collaboration and inspiring progress in the ever-evolving field of engineering. The journal's rigorous peer-review process ensures the publication of accurate and reliable information, thereby enhancing credibility and trust among its readers.

It welcomes all contributions related to the latest innovations and developments within the following coverages:

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Architecture
  • Automotive Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Buildingand Construction
  • Civiland Structural Engineering
  • Computational Mechanics
  • Controland Systems Engineering
  • Electricaland Electronic Engineering
  • Industrialand Manufacturing Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechanicsof Materials
  • Media Technology
  • Ocean Engineering
  • Safety,Risk, Reliability and Quality